Wine time with artist



If you want to know where the artistic events are and other topics to enjoy art in Valencia, come and have a couple of glasses of wine with Lalambik


vacation Style


group size

Minimum Group
  • At Lalambik, an art studio created by visual artists Karina Vagradova and Carmen Ibarra, we love receiving visitors! We are delighted to expand borders, so we open our studio to groups of visitors who come from outside to our beloved city to offer them a lovely time accompanied by a glass of wine (or two), a tapa, chatting with them, telling them what is brewing here, reveal some open secrets (where the studios are, artistic events or interesting exhibitions) and other crucial topics to enjoy art and culture in Valencia.
    Here you can learn about our works “first-hand”, the processes and the stories they contain. Also the projects carried out and those that are now being developed in this space.
    Anyone who wishes may purchase the works of art for sale for their private collection. Here you will find large and small format paintings, original paintings on wood, on paper, editions of prints, graphic work and experimental techniques, also works in progress in which you can see the techniques used. In short, get to know this space full of surprises that they usually call the “artist’s kitchen”.
    Plus, if you have the desire and 2 hours of time, you can even start creating with us! We have several short workshops designed for these occasions. We can offer you an Introduction to Watercolor workshop, in which you will do a simple chromatic exercise and a small work that you will take home.
    We can prepare a drawing workshop with a live model, where you can draw the human body from nature. Another option is a small Cyanotype practice that can be done on sunny days.
    Art has the power to return you to the moment and place where it was created, so you will take with you a wonderful memory materialized in a small artistic work made by yourself.






    Friday and Saturday: morning and afternoon
    Sunday: afternoon
    Under prior reservation




    At Lalambik, an art studio created by visual artists Karina Vagradova and Carmen Ibarra, we love receiving visitors! We are delighted to expand borders, so we open our studio to groups of visitors who come from outside to our beloved city to offer them a lovely time accompanied by a glass of wine (or two), a tapa, chatting with them, telling them what is brewing here, reveal some open secrets (where the studios are, artistic events or interesting exhibitions) and other crucial topics to enjoy art and culture in Valencia.
    Here you can learn about our works “first-hand”, the processes and the stories they contain. Also the projects carried out and those that are now being developed in this space.
    Anyone who wishes may purchase the works of art for sale for their private collection. Here you will find large and small format paintings, original paintings on wood, on paper, editions of prints, graphic work and experimental techniques, also works in progress in which you can see the techniques used. In short, get to know this space full of surprises that they usually call the “artist’s kitchen”.
    Plus, if you have the desire and 2 hours of time, you can even start creating with us! We have several short workshops designed for these occasions. We can offer you an Introduction to Watercolor workshop, in which you will do a simple chromatic exercise and a small work that you will take home.
    We can prepare a drawing workshop with a live model, where you can draw the human body from nature. Another option is a small Cyanotype practice that can be done on sunny days.
    Art has the power to return you to the moment and place where it was created, so you will take with you a wonderful memory materialized in a small artistic work made by yourself.






    Friday and Saturday: morning and afternoon
    Sunday: afternoon
    Under prior reservation




    • Materials for the workshop
    • 2 glasses of wine or soft drink
    • caps
    • Materials for the workshop
    • 2 glasses of wine or soft drink
    • caps